Don’t we all just want a little time to sit with like-minded friends and have a good laugh?

The kind of friends that bring you thoughtful roommate gifts and will go stand in front of a wall or in the middle of the street when you ask them to do so?

This fall I carved out a little time just like this to attend the Clickaway photography conference in Salt Lake City. For 3 days we participated in workshops, panel discussions and photo walks. We gathered wisdom from our incredible keynote speakers, Elizabeth Gilbert and Joy Prouty, and from each other. Together we explored the beautiful Temple Square and surrounding area. We Ubered to watch the sunset over the Great Salt Lake, and made new friends who drove us to play in Park City.

*all iPhone
We encouraged each other to get in front of the camera. Our kids will want photos of us someday.

Fellow attendee Lacey Meyers said it best, “… we are created as relational people and connecting with others who share our passions … whatever they may be … is food for the soul.” That is the point of these Creative Field Trip posts – reminders to make time for those connections. Time to learn and grow and consider our stories. That is when the magic happens.

Lacey Meyers says
Suzanne, what a wonderful glimpse at your time spent at ClickAway! I have so enjoyed seeing the shares many photographers have posted of their experience, and each image takes me back to what an amazing trip it was. 🙂