The summer wedding season is now behind us, leaving us with future anniversaries. I was honored to create and deliver a special anniversary present to a happily married Florida couple this summer.

David and Carol reached out to me after beginning this project with another photo book design company. When it became apparent their needs were more custom than this company was able to deliver, we set to work creating their desired bespoke anniversary book.

While the book is centered around their big 50th anniversary party, it beautifully tells the story of their five decade long marriage.

The party was carefully crafted to share their favorite memories with friends and family. The evening entertainment was filled with music and photos that highlighted the different seasons of their marriage.

From the story of how they met, their wedding photos and early family years to career changes, travel and important philanthropic work – the book encompasses all that is important and makes this couple unique.

We ended the book with a collection of the kind notes they received both at the party and after the fact. Some were scanned cards while others were included as emails. Each represented the warmth and love felt from their friends and family as well as appreciation for the special celebration enjoyed by all.

Celebrating and documenting important milestones such as this are always worth the time and effort required. Not only is their special evening captured in print, but now their kids and grandkids also have an invaluable record of their story. It was an honor to be a part of this project!

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