Discovering these photos added color to the larger story of the type of woman her grandmother was – this glimpse into her as a mother and wife in her 30’s, was a gift to my friend. One that she wanted to be able to give her own family and future generations.

My belief that women deserve to be seen, and documented, stems from my own experience uncovering old photos of my mom. This was the genesis of my She Project – to allow other women, and their children, to have similar experiences.

Last night, a friend reminded me of these photos and encouraged me to continue capturing women in their ordinary everyday lives so we are part of the story too. As we enter this Mother’s Day weekend, I wish the same for you. Hand the camera to your husband, your kid, or set it on the kitchen counter in timer mode. Get yourself in the photo because “it is the last time that we might be exactly like we were.”

* thanks for humoring me and letting me get a few shots of you heading off on your run L!
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