Welcome to day two of my Documenting @ Home series! Today I’m flipping through my 2016 Week In The Life photo book and sharing ideas that you can still pull off this year, even if your world is a bit smaller than usual…
1 | Create a Daily Theme
Letterboards were the new fun thing back in 2016 so I put mine to the test that week, coming up with a new design each day. Perhaps you could do something similar to announce the days of the week with sidewalk chalk art, window finger paints, whiteboards, smartphone text design apps…

2| Get Low
Whenever I’m having a hard time making something mundane look more interesting, putting my camera on the ground always seems to do the trick. This shift in perspective just makes everything more fun.

3| Capture the Chores
Doing laundry always finds a way into my books since it happens once a week in our house. Other ideas include vacuuming, feeding the dog (serious business for our lab), washing dishes, taking out the trash. I promise other little details of your life will show up in these task-related images.

4| Timelapse an activity
Pick a time when you know you/your family will be moving around together in a shared space. The layout below features our morning breakfast/coffee/lunch-packing time. Perhaps it is dinner prep or clean-up for you. Put your camera up on a shelf and let it click away.

5| Perfect Your Food Hero Shots
I am by no means a food photographer, but this is the one time of year I might slow down to try to take a nice photo of a meal. It doesn’t need to be a fancy styled shot, simple is beautiful too. Or how about a pull-back of the chef/baker(s) in process…

Since many folks are spending much more time in their kitchen than they used to, this could be your year for these types of shots!

6| Screenshot that Social Media
So much of our lives happen online, especially now. Include a few screenshots of tweets, memes, texts or other digital captures that tell the story of today. If you find yourself glued to your cable news channel, take a picture of your favorite anchor. Include a page with all of your favorite mobile apps that get you through your day. Or the podcasts that make you take that extra loop around the block…

7| Work from Home Prep
While your morning commute may look a bit different these days, are there still things you do to get ready to “go to work”? This layout shows me getting ready to head out for a client branding session, with my gear bag, step stool etc. Today it might be pouring your coffee, prepping your Zoom virtual background or charging your AirPods.

8| Shoot the Secret Life of Your Pet
Do they have a favorite spot? Are they always underneath your feet? Devote a layout to their special places and faces.

9| Include Your “To Do” List
This year I copied things I knocked off my list into an Evernote file so at least I could pat myself on the back for all of the details of life that got done this week. These were likely things I didn’t write about in my daily summaries so it felt nice to record them someplace.

10| Honor the Teachers
What does distance learning look like in your house? Maybe homeschooling is your jam, maybe it looks like tears and frustration. It all counts.

Check back tomorrow for a final few ideas for documenting life @ home!

Past WITL Posts: @ Home Series Intro, 2014, 2012, 2006-2010
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